Can I Get Suboxone Treatment Even if I Don’t Have Insurance?
Deciding to start treatment for your drug decision is a huge barrier to overcome. Making the decision is not something to take lightly, as you have to be truly committed to the change.
Deciding how to pay for that treatment is another huge barrier lurking in your path, especially if you don’t have insurance.
Luckily, not having insurance doesn’t have to be your downfall. There are several other options for receiving financial assistance for your Suboxone treatments.
With a little research and some determination, you can afford this life-changing medication without breaking the bank.
Free Health Coverage at Clinics

If you have a low income, you may qualify for free Suboxone treatment.
If you’re lucky, you may live in a community that has hospitals, clinics, or community health centers that offer free drug addiction care. While these centers aren’t available everywhere, they are a huge resource to take advantage of.
By proving you have a low-income, you might be able to receive free doses of Suboxone. However, some factors that might change availability of this medication include:
- Your medical need for this medication
- If Suboxone is on the approved list of medications for your state
- If there is someone qualified enough at the facility to administer the medication
Medicaid or Medicare
Some people may also qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. These are federally and state funded programs that provide health services for the elderly, disabled, and impoverished.
Generally, Medicare is for people over the age of 65. It will usually only cover substance abuse treatment if it is medically necessary and provided by a center or clinic that is Medicare-certified by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Unfortunately, Medicare won’t pay for outpatient medications, but they will cover treatment as part of an inpatient facility.
Medicaid, on the other hand, is more for low-income adults and children. States decide what drugs to cover, so the availability of Suboxone as part of this coverage varies throughout the country.
However, a 2013 study revealed that 50 Medicaid programs across the country do have buprenorphine-naloxone on their approved drug lists.
Should I Undergo Suboxone Treatment at Home or in a Rehab Program?
Pay Out of Pocket
If you make too much to qualify for Medicaid, Medicare, or free coverage, you will have to pay for Suboxone out of pocket.
Luckily, Suboxone is far less expensive than your old drug habit, meaning you should be able to afford it without wrecking your lifestyle.
One study that followed 606 patients over the course of six months found that the average cost for treatment was $11,597. This included an average of 66 ambulatory care visits, which then decreased after this six-month period.
However, this study is an extreme example. Another study found that the average cost of one month of buprenorphine treatment in patients that had been stabilized for a year was only $292 to $499.
While it might cost a lot to get started on Suboxone treatment, once you are stabilized, the price of medication becomes quite affordable.
As you can see, getting Suboxone treatment without insurance is not only possible but easily attainable.
If you’d like some help finding more ways to afford Suboxone, please call us now at 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) .
Our hotline specialists can work with you to find centers that offer free or discounted treatment.