Is Inpatient Treatment Necessary for My Suboxone Rehab?
Inpatient treatment may or may not be necessary for your recovery from Suboxone abuse, but it is important to seek the option that is best for your specific needs. Call 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) now to find a treatment center where you can recover safely and effectively from Suboxone abuse.
Suboxone Abuse and Rehab
Those who begin abusing Suboxone have often already begun their treatment for opioid addiction and are abusing the medication that was meant to help them. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the buprenorphine in the medication can create euphoric and addictive effects if the drug is abused, but there are certain safeguards put into place in Suboxone specifically that are meant to minimize the likelihood of this abuse. However, some people do still abuse the drug, and those who are misusing their treatment medication are in even more danger.
In any case, it is important to seek treatment for Suboxone abuse and addiction. Those who have been abusing the drug when it was meant to treat their addiction, though, may sometimes need a more intensive rehab program.
Benefits of Inpatient Care

Those with comorbid disorders should attend inpatient rehab.
Inpatient care has a number of benefits that less intensive programs do not provide. For example, these programs provide 24-hour medical care in a controlled environment from professional healthcare providers (National Institute on Drug Abuse). In addition, inpatient centers may also offer:
- More treatment options for patients, including holistic methods that outpatient centers usually cannot afford to offer
- Accommodations, meals, and other comforts (and these will be especially luxuriant if an individual chooses to stay in a more expensive inpatient rehab center)
- A controlled setting in which the individual will not be able to give in to temptation to abuse opioids, nor abuse their medication in order to get a fix
- Additional care for comorbid disorders and medical issues in order to create a well-rounded care program for those who need more intensive treatment
- Help transitioning into outpatient care or another type of aftercare program once one’s inpatient stay has ended
- The help of doctors, nurses, counselors, and even other patients to change the destructive attitudes and opinions an individual has toward their substance abuse to create a better recovery (a process called resocialization)
- This also means a person will be surrounded by individuals who all encourage their recovery and want to see them succeed, something not every individual has when attempting to recover from addiction.
As stated by the NIDA, these facilities are often more expensive than outpatient centers, but this is because they offer more options to those who need them. An individual who requires this more intensive type of treatment must be able to receive it in order to safely recover from their substance use disorder and begin piecing their life back together.
Do I Need Inpatient Treatment for Suboxone Abuse?
The NIDA states, “No single treatment is appropriate for everyone.” This is why it is important for you to consider if inpatient care may or may not be beneficial to your situation and your current needs. If you:
- Are suffering from a comorbid disorder that requires simultaneous treatment with your addiction
- Have a serious medical condition for which you need 24-hour care
- Have tried a treatment program before that does not provide a controlled environment and found that you were extremely tempted to (and did) return to substance abuse
- Believe your treatment with Suboxone as you received it from a doctor’s office was not intensive enough for the severity of your condition
- Believe your addiction and/or your dependence on opioids is stronger than it was when you began taking Suboxone
- Do not have a safe home environment or believe your home life is not conducive to recovery
- Do not have the support of a strong network of friends, family members, coworkers, and other loved ones who will help you stay on track with your recovery
then it is likely inpatient care could be a beneficial fit for your needs. Consider your situation and make sure to consult a doctor in order to find the best type of rehab for your Suboxone abuse, and you will be able to recover as safely as possible.
Let Us Help You Find the Right Program Today
Call 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) today. We will match you with the best option for your needs so you can begin a safe and beneficial recovery from Suboxone and any other type of opioid abuse.