The Dangers of Long-Term Suboxone Drug Use
Most addicts are aware of Suboxone as a medication that can help them with withdrawal symptoms, but what many do not know are the dangers of it. According to NIDA, Suboxone as prescribed will allow the individual to hold jobs, avoid crime, and reduce their chances of catching HIV.
It is important for the addict to know what the dangers of abusing the drug are in order to avoid having a patient substitute it for their other addiction and endure the consequences of long-term use. There are a few dangers of long-term Suboxone drug use that is important to know for anyone who is considering its use or whom are using it currently.
Side Effects of Suboxone Drug Use
If the addict stops using Suboxone before their doctor approves of it, the drug can cause many health problems for the addict. According to the FDA, Suboxone can cause serious side effects, which includes respiratory problems, dizziness, sleepiness, loss of coordination, abuse, dependency, allergic reaction, liver problems, opioid withdrawal symptoms, and a decrease in blood pressure.
It is also dangerous to stop the use of the drug during treatment because due to the dependence the body has created for the Suboxone, the addict will endure stronger withdrawal symptoms. For help dealing with these symptoms, call 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) .
Long-Term Effects

Insomnia is a potential long-term effect of Suboxone drug use.
As well as the side effects of the drugs, there are many long-term effects of using Suboxone for a long period. The psychological effects may include anxiety, insomnia, depression, feelings of being lost, lack of motivation, emotional deregulation, and a loss in libido.
Physically, someone who abuses Suboxone may experience hair loss, fatigue, RLS, sweating at night, damage to teeth and vision, and poor blood circulation.
Suboxone Treatment Options
Recovery from Suboxone is very similar to other drugs in treatment, but it can be very taxing on the addict, who most likely substituted it with their original drug. Having suffered from addiction and withdrawal before, the addict may have feelings of sadness, anger, or hopelessness.
It is important for them to know that there are options out there for them and it will begin with reducing the dosage of the drug until the addict is clean of it. It is a good idea for the addict to be in a treatment facility when they make the decision to detox from the drug where they will be surrounded by medical professionals in case the worst should happen.
After detoxification, the patient will undergo counseling and therapy to learn how to cope without the drug and explore the reasons behind why the addiction began in the first place. The tools these treatments will give him or her are invaluable because they will allow the patient to combat their addiction after treatment while they are out in a world full of temptations.
Inpatient rehab could be the best option for treatment because it provides around the clock care and a safe, secure environment for the patient to rebuild their life in.
There are many dangers of long-term Suboxone drug use that every addict should know before they decide to abuse it. By paying attention to the potential side effects, risks, and long-term hazards of Suboxone use, the patient will be able to seek the treatment he or she need to find sobriety.
If the addict does become dependent on Suboxone or suffers the consequences of the abuse of it, it is important for them to seek residential rehab treatment to ensure that he or she are surrounded by caring professionals.
If you or someone you know, is suffering from Suboxone abuse or addiction and needs help, please call 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) to speak with a kind professional who can assist you.
For information on detoxification or treatment, please call 888-646-0865 (Who Answers?) for assistance.